Saturday, September 29, 2007

Story of my life.....
Work - Home - Work - Home - Work - Home -Work - Home - Work - Home - Work - Home - Work - Home...So dat sums up my life for now..I cannot do the things i wan as n when i feel lyk..Time is such a constraint now dat im working sumtyms it juz leads to frustrations..I cnt meet the people i wan, i miss..though i cnt be complaining alot cuz this is the path i chose but sumtyms i juz need a BREAK...Ok i gotta get ready for my pm shift, yesh it's a sunday n im on pm shift....Hope it's a smooth dae ahead, till my next post take care all:)))
Labels: work - Home
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On my dad's b'dae

The 3 miss on vicky's b'dae:))

My mummy dearest n me:)

The Virgos:))

Kiki n her sweet smile:))

Our family outing at Semb park:))

Shopping - the thing i do best:))

Jogging :))

The camwhore sistas:))

My daddy dearest:)))
Labels: pics pics n pics
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Yesh finally i mange to squeeze out some ty to blog..It's been weeks since i blogged n everytym i wana do so i juz dun haf the energy to..What else now my life only revolves ard my WORK, WORK n WORK..
Well i got so much of pics to upload but guess i shall do it im my next entry..For now i shall blog on whatever that has been happening in the past weeks, hope i can still remember every single outings..
It started off with the mini picnic my family had at Sembawang park, where we brought home cooked food to the beach, sat n managed to catch up on what's been happening in each other's lifes....
Then i finally i went joggin with my sissy, haha after such a long tym n yesh my muscles were all aching the next few days..Haha..
Oh i oso managed to do some shopping at Bugis, yesh dat too after such a long tym..when i was in NYP practically my gals n i wld go ton at least once in a week..Haiz miss those days, nowadays much of my money goes to FOOD:(
Hmm then the bf's op, yesh he went for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction..N since he has numeous of allergies to various painkillers, he haf to only survive on tramadol which so doesn't work for him..My poor boy has to bear all dat pain, haha n being bed bound for lyk almost 3 days..N i was his private nurse seriously everything from removing his bandage, to help him elevate his leg to putting the brace for him, applying cold compress, massaging, n giving him cold compress when he was running a fever,giving him drinks,persuading him to eat..Haha yesh u see i was a private nurse but with no pay...Haha so havin a gf as a nurse sure helps at least it did for my bf..Anyway he was running a temp on 2nd day of op n i was so worried that he was havin an infection n being a paranoid, i was prctically taking his temp every hour to make sure he was doing fine..Thank god his temp decreased n he is much better n next week wld be his session with the physiotherapist n hope he ken start walking all again:))
N yeah i have gone for my IV course, passed my theory test but have to study hard for my practical which dun seem to be dat easy..Anyway i shall worry abt dat much later n yesh at least i din feel dat bored for the 2 days cuz my dearest loud ger, Janice was with me..Haha it was good catching up wit u gal..N my other gals in level 10 ,I MISS u all:((
Not forgetting my bachin friend, Tien Hartisa , im MISSin u many many, we shd mit up by next week...I seriously wana catch up wit ya...:((
Well besides all dat this we celebrated my dad's birhtday on the 5th of this month..It was a simple affair within the family n even though i know u wun be reading this I LOVE U DADDY..thank you for the many sacrifices u haf made n the often rides u give me to n fro from work..I love u many many muacks:))
N today is my 2nd sister's B'dae..HAPPY BIRTHDAY kiki..Me love u many many..Muacks n hope u are havin a gd tym with ur frens:))
I shd oso take this tym to wish my younger sissy, Preya..ALL the BEST for ya prelims..Study Hard n im sure ur hardwork wld be paid off:)))
Lastly i have nominated my mum for Lifelong learner's award, n they called her up for a interview n also called me to get sum details n told me that they wld get back to me real soon soon if she gets chosen..I really hope she wins dat award cuz i think she deserves it the most..N i'm so PROUD of u mum..Muacksssssss:)))
Ok i think dats all i have to blog abt now..My next entry wld be full of pics n i wld try my best to upload by tmr...Till then tke cre all:)))
Labels: Finally
"It is with the heart that one sees rightly,
what is esential is invisible to the eye."
When our time is up,
When our lives are done,
Will we say we've had our fun?
Will we make a mark,
This time.
Will we always say we tried.
Standing on the rooftops,
Everybody scream your heart out.
The name is
i'm very much a postive thinker.
Blue is love :)
Haters, you would know if i don't like you!
Very fussy when it comes to picking friends.
Possesive over my loved ones
& i believe thats a scorpion trait.
Reckons in God & Karma.
I don't very much believe in "forgive & forget"!
And I would go all out for you if i believe you deserve it!
A gal who is learning to see God's greater purpose for her
who wakes up and learns to be thankful for her blessings
Saturday, September 29, 2007

Story of my life.....
Work - Home - Work - Home - Work - Home -Work - Home - Work - Home - Work - Home - Work - Home...So dat sums up my life for now..I cannot do the things i wan as n when i feel lyk..Time is such a constraint now dat im working sumtyms it juz leads to frustrations..I cnt meet the people i wan, i miss..though i cnt be complaining alot cuz this is the path i chose but sumtyms i juz need a BREAK...Ok i gotta get ready for my pm shift, yesh it's a sunday n im on pm shift....Hope it's a smooth dae ahead, till my next post take care all:)))
Labels: work - Home
Tuesday, September 18, 2007

On my dad's b'dae

The 3 miss on vicky's b'dae:))

My mummy dearest n me:)

The Virgos:))

Kiki n her sweet smile:))

Our family outing at Semb park:))

Shopping - the thing i do best:))

Jogging :))

The camwhore sistas:))

My daddy dearest:)))
Labels: pics pics n pics
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Yesh finally i mange to squeeze out some ty to blog..It's been weeks since i blogged n everytym i wana do so i juz dun haf the energy to..What else now my life only revolves ard my WORK, WORK n WORK..
Well i got so much of pics to upload but guess i shall do it im my next entry..For now i shall blog on whatever that has been happening in the past weeks, hope i can still remember every single outings..
It started off with the mini picnic my family had at Sembawang park, where we brought home cooked food to the beach, sat n managed to catch up on what's been happening in each other's lifes....
Then i finally i went joggin with my sissy, haha after such a long tym n yesh my muscles were all aching the next few days..Haha..
Oh i oso managed to do some shopping at Bugis, yesh dat too after such a long tym..when i was in NYP practically my gals n i wld go ton at least once in a week..Haiz miss those days, nowadays much of my money goes to FOOD:(
Hmm then the bf's op, yesh he went for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction..N since he has numeous of allergies to various painkillers, he haf to only survive on tramadol which so doesn't work for him..My poor boy has to bear all dat pain, haha n being bed bound for lyk almost 3 days..N i was his private nurse seriously everything from removing his bandage, to help him elevate his leg to putting the brace for him, applying cold compress, massaging, n giving him cold compress when he was running a fever,giving him drinks,persuading him to eat..Haha yesh u see i was a private nurse but with no pay...Haha so havin a gf as a nurse sure helps at least it did for my bf..Anyway he was running a temp on 2nd day of op n i was so worried that he was havin an infection n being a paranoid, i was prctically taking his temp every hour to make sure he was doing fine..Thank god his temp decreased n he is much better n next week wld be his session with the physiotherapist n hope he ken start walking all again:))
N yeah i have gone for my IV course, passed my theory test but have to study hard for my practical which dun seem to be dat easy..Anyway i shall worry abt dat much later n yesh at least i din feel dat bored for the 2 days cuz my dearest loud ger, Janice was with me..Haha it was good catching up wit u gal..N my other gals in level 10 ,I MISS u all:((
Not forgetting my bachin friend, Tien Hartisa , im MISSin u many many, we shd mit up by next week...I seriously wana catch up wit ya...:((
Well besides all dat this we celebrated my dad's birhtday on the 5th of this month..It was a simple affair within the family n even though i know u wun be reading this I LOVE U DADDY..thank you for the many sacrifices u haf made n the often rides u give me to n fro from work..I love u many many muacks:))
N today is my 2nd sister's B'dae..HAPPY BIRTHDAY kiki..Me love u many many..Muacks n hope u are havin a gd tym with ur frens:))
I shd oso take this tym to wish my younger sissy, Preya..ALL the BEST for ya prelims..Study Hard n im sure ur hardwork wld be paid off:)))
Lastly i have nominated my mum for Lifelong learner's award, n they called her up for a interview n also called me to get sum details n told me that they wld get back to me real soon soon if she gets chosen..I really hope she wins dat award cuz i think she deserves it the most..N i'm so PROUD of u mum..Muacksssssss:)))
Ok i think dats all i have to blog abt now..My next entry wld be full of pics n i wld try my best to upload by tmr...Till then tke cre all:)))
Labels: Finally