Monday, December 24, 2007

MeRrY ChRiStMaS to all :)))
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Before heading to Swensens:))

The B'dae GAl:))

At SWensens:))
The love of my life:)
Kiki n me:))
Pipi n me:))
The midnight suprise:))
I love u wit all my heart mum..Thanks for everythingWell my mUm is back...YEahh such a relief to noe she is safe n enjoyed her trip..Well yesterday was her B'dae n went to Swensens to celebrate it...Well as alwiz i hate to type so once agn the pics shall do the talking:))
Hey i'm back..Well gota alot to blog abt but shall start off with the pre christmas party that my level 10 had organised..Had to admit that we had alots of fun n managed to hang out with each other in a carefree n stress free environment..LOL anyways i shall let the pics do the rest of the talking....:))
My colleagues:))

With our NC Serene:))

My colleagues juz loved to take pics.. everywhere we go had to stop for a pic!!

Me,aina,rosmi n sherly:)

The new graduands:))

We had to put our doorgift to use:))

Sandra n mua..The tyra of S'pore:))

Lizell n mua:)
Ward 10D
Sunita n her hubby rickyy:)

Tini n mua:)

Rosmi the skinny:)

Sherly n me:))

Jewel n me....:)
Menchie n me:))
Willalyn n me:)
Jincy - the motherly figure:)
Soji n me:))
My preceptor - Aina:))
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Omg i cnt believe it's 3 days since my mum left to Sri Lanka...The house seems so quiet without her..All i have realised these past few days dat mum u can neva be replaced..From all our movie escapes, our dinings at the various restaurants to our muz have swensen's ice -cream after every meal,I miss everthing...N most imptly helping me analyse my probz n making me tink in a positive outlook n how she wld make my day by not failing to sms me daily...Haiz mum i juz pray that death shd fall upon me first before u cuz i can neva see you go...MUACKS :)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ken i haf all of the above NOW???
"It is with the heart that one sees rightly,
what is esential is invisible to the eye."
When our time is up,
When our lives are done,
Will we say we've had our fun?
Will we make a mark,
This time.
Will we always say we tried.
Standing on the rooftops,
Everybody scream your heart out.
The name is
i'm very much a postive thinker.
Blue is love :)
Haters, you would know if i don't like you!
Very fussy when it comes to picking friends.
Possesive over my loved ones
& i believe thats a scorpion trait.
Reckons in God & Karma.
I don't very much believe in "forgive & forget"!
And I would go all out for you if i believe you deserve it!
A gal who is learning to see God's greater purpose for her
who wakes up and learns to be thankful for her blessings
Monday, December 24, 2007

MeRrY ChRiStMaS to all :)))
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Before heading to Swensens:))

The B'dae GAl:))

At SWensens:))
The love of my life:)
Kiki n me:))
Pipi n me:))
The midnight suprise:))
I love u wit all my heart mum..Thanks for everythingWell my mUm is back...YEahh such a relief to noe she is safe n enjoyed her trip..Well yesterday was her B'dae n went to Swensens to celebrate it...Well as alwiz i hate to type so once agn the pics shall do the talking:))
Hey i'm back..Well gota alot to blog abt but shall start off with the pre christmas party that my level 10 had organised..Had to admit that we had alots of fun n managed to hang out with each other in a carefree n stress free environment..LOL anyways i shall let the pics do the rest of the talking....:))
My colleagues:))

With our NC Serene:))

My colleagues juz loved to take pics.. everywhere we go had to stop for a pic!!

Me,aina,rosmi n sherly:)

The new graduands:))

We had to put our doorgift to use:))

Sandra n mua..The tyra of S'pore:))

Lizell n mua:)
Ward 10D
Sunita n her hubby rickyy:)

Tini n mua:)

Rosmi the skinny:)

Sherly n me:))

Jewel n me....:)
Menchie n me:))
Willalyn n me:)
Jincy - the motherly figure:)
Soji n me:))
My preceptor - Aina:))
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Omg i cnt believe it's 3 days since my mum left to Sri Lanka...The house seems so quiet without her..All i have realised these past few days dat mum u can neva be replaced..From all our movie escapes, our dinings at the various restaurants to our muz have swensen's ice -cream after every meal,I miss everthing...N most imptly helping me analyse my probz n making me tink in a positive outlook n how she wld make my day by not failing to sms me daily...Haiz mum i juz pray that death shd fall upon me first before u cuz i can neva see you go...MUACKS :)

Friday, December 7, 2007

Ken i haf all of the above NOW???