Sunday, April 27, 2008
FIRSTLy, all my pics got deleted ..
SECONDLY, luk at my previous post........
GAHHHHHHHHHH today is juz not the day to blog........
SuperDuper PISSEDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Argh i hate dis.....I juz uploaded so many pics n it juz got deleted...Ahhhhhhhhh
This is so irritating..
Ok so i guess i'm not uploading anypics today, shall do it when i haf the tym next.. Anyways nothing interesting to blog abt bcuz of the fact dat work takes up90 % of my time n i'm left with only 10% to do all the other tings dat i want:((
I mean sumtyms after work all i wana do is go hm n haf a gd slppppppp but if i do so then i duno when wld i get to spend tym with my loved ones..So i wld sacrifice my rest time n go out, n at the end of the dat i wld be so dead beat...Hmm i guess this is wat all nurses wld feel- NO LIFE!!
N tokin abt work, it's juz gettin busier day by day...With all the overflow admissions my god!!
U admit a patient today, do all the NAR, the long list of changes n then the next day the pt gets discharged or transfered..How frustrating!!!!
N blood transfusions seem to be the IN ting now, almost all patients are on blood transfusions, everythg from FFPs to PCt to platelets, n all this for juz ONE pt...Haiz sumone plz kidnap me n brg me for a holidayyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Ok enuff of me braggin, goin to get sum rest, im on nite for the next 3 days:((
Tke cre all:))
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yesh Finally i'm back after dat superrrrrrr longggggggggg hiatus...
Well i have so many things to blog about eva since feb till now, alot of things have happened but guess i dun have enuff time to backdate on all the events..
So wat i haf decided is to start to blog religiously as often as poss from now onwards..
N hope i wld stick to dat decision..Haha well for now life is gd but it cld be better..
Well i wld juz be patient n wait for the certain things dat i want to achieve in my life..
Ok i guess dats all for now, wld blog soon :))
Tke cre all :))
Labels: Back:))
"It is with the heart that one sees rightly,
what is esential is invisible to the eye."
When our time is up,
When our lives are done,
Will we say we've had our fun?
Will we make a mark,
This time.
Will we always say we tried.
Standing on the rooftops,
Everybody scream your heart out.
The name is
i'm very much a postive thinker.
Blue is love :)
Haters, you would know if i don't like you!
Very fussy when it comes to picking friends.
Possesive over my loved ones
& i believe thats a scorpion trait.
Reckons in God & Karma.
I don't very much believe in "forgive & forget"!
And I would go all out for you if i believe you deserve it!
A gal who is learning to see God's greater purpose for her
who wakes up and learns to be thankful for her blessings
Sunday, April 27, 2008
FIRSTLy, all my pics got deleted ..
SECONDLY, luk at my previous post........
GAHHHHHHHHHH today is juz not the day to blog........
SuperDuper PISSEDDDDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Argh i hate dis.....I juz uploaded so many pics n it juz got deleted...Ahhhhhhhhh
This is so irritating..
Ok so i guess i'm not uploading anypics today, shall do it when i haf the tym next.. Anyways nothing interesting to blog abt bcuz of the fact dat work takes up90 % of my time n i'm left with only 10% to do all the other tings dat i want:((
I mean sumtyms after work all i wana do is go hm n haf a gd slppppppp but if i do so then i duno when wld i get to spend tym with my loved ones..So i wld sacrifice my rest time n go out, n at the end of the dat i wld be so dead beat...Hmm i guess this is wat all nurses wld feel- NO LIFE!!
N tokin abt work, it's juz gettin busier day by day...With all the overflow admissions my god!!
U admit a patient today, do all the NAR, the long list of changes n then the next day the pt gets discharged or transfered..How frustrating!!!!
N blood transfusions seem to be the IN ting now, almost all patients are on blood transfusions, everythg from FFPs to PCt to platelets, n all this for juz ONE pt...Haiz sumone plz kidnap me n brg me for a holidayyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Ok enuff of me braggin, goin to get sum rest, im on nite for the next 3 days:((
Tke cre all:))
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Yesh Finally i'm back after dat superrrrrrr longggggggggg hiatus...
Well i have so many things to blog about eva since feb till now, alot of things have happened but guess i dun have enuff time to backdate on all the events..
So wat i haf decided is to start to blog religiously as often as poss from now onwards..
N hope i wld stick to dat decision..Haha well for now life is gd but it cld be better..
Well i wld juz be patient n wait for the certain things dat i want to achieve in my life..
Ok i guess dats all for now, wld blog soon :))
Tke cre all :))
Labels: Back:))