I haf gotta admit dat this year B'dae was a blast..I was filled ard with soooo many sweet pple ard who totally made my this year b'dae a memorable one:))
Celebrations started out right from the eve of my b'dae when my bestie n i went out:)
Since she long wanted to take me to Max Brenner for the sinful chocolate delights, she decided to do so on dat dae:))
N oh my the waffle there is heavenly, n for those crazy choc lovers, it's a place u shd not miss..N for ur info it is located at esplanade..It's a MUST try:))
Then walked ard abit n suddenly saw the S'pore flyer rite in front n i soooo wanted to try it..N then my bestie being the sweet one decided to make my wish come true..N taadaa i went on the flyer...Hahahah:)))
Though it was quite scary when we reached the peak, but the scenery was nice though both us agreed u wld get to see more detailed stuffs in the day..But all in all i totally enjoyed the experience:))))
Then went back home to ard 9 oddish to get some well deserved sleep since i was almost sleepless the past entire week due to presentations..But din realise that my precious ones had a midnight suprise for me..Hahahah :)
Must sae i totally din see it coming since ALL of u put up such a nice act..Lol:P
Well sharp 12 vel called n wished me, n when asked where he was , he replied outside with a fren..Then followed by malar wished me n said hey i left a present at ur studyroom table, Go n see now..
Hahah n naturally i walked out of my mum's room n realised that my studyroom door was closed..So yeah went to open it n taadaaa Vel n malar were in there with a cake in their hands n wishing me Happy B'dae aloud together with mummy, sisters,mary n thish..Hahahah was so caught off guard la but still it was such an amazing feeling:)))
N i taught dat was all but i had another mega suprise part two on the next day..Where they plannes a suprise b'dae party at Semb park...Ahhh i was superduper touched by all the efforts by everyone seriously...The pains dat they took to keep it suprise n not allowing me to suspect anythg...All the decos they had to put up...all the preplannings..I felt sooo loved ..Thank u ALL SO much for the wishes, presents n suprises..I mean EVERY single one of u pple made my day, it cld be haf been juz a simple wish, but dat is enuff to show me dat u pple took the effort to remember..N the thought is wat dat counts n esp so for me:))
N i tot i need mention a few of the sweet pple n thank em for all their extra efforts:)
1) My Parents- Thank U both so much for playing along to keep it as a suprise. For dad to drive me to the temple in the morn though u were so tired post nite..Mummy for helping prepare all the dishes..N lastly, for the costly gift:)) I love u both so SO so much..:)
2) The Sisters- The main organisers of the entire event, i totally appreciate all the efforts u haf put in n all the money u both haf spent...From the bottom of my heart THANK u so much kiki n pipi..Love u both to bits n turely haf proved how blessed im to get u both as sisters:)
3) The bestie Tien- Thank u so much for all the treats u gave me in one day n taking me to the Flyer...:)) U totally made the eve of my b'dae a super memorable one..N we shall be frens forever..Love u di n im so luking forward for our batam trip:))
4) Vel - I tot it was so sweet of u to remember what i really loved n to get dat for me as a b'dae present n the card was so gorgeous:)) Thank u so much for cuming all the way at 12 am juz to suprise me n all the preplannings u did with my sisters..I totally appreciate it doink n thank u so much for making my this yr B'dae a memorable one:)))
5)Malar - For all the drama u had to put up to see me suprised..For taking the trouble to come down at 12 am despite ur mum being sick..N for all the preplannings u did with pipi n kiki..Thank u so much my dearest..i love u Muacks:))
6)Syafiqah - I haf known u for only 6 mths but babe im so suprised with the great chemistry dat we share n THANK u so much for the gorgeous chain..I mean till now i duno how on earth did u get me the same exact chain dat i so badly wanted mths ago..Hahaha chemistry indeed..Thank u so many the much my dearest..Muacks:)
7) To Everyone else for ur Wishes & Presents..Thank u all SO much from the bottom of my heart:))

Ps: The rest of the pics wld be uploaded on Frensta due to the time constraint..:))